NPO Pakistan has attained the status of Certification Body (CB) under APO Accreditation Body (AB). Pakistan is 4th in the row who attained APO Certification Body Status after Malaysia, Vietnam and Mongolia. APO-Japan Accreditation Body (APO-AB) has granted initial accreditation to the Productivity Certification Body of Pakistan (PCBP) for the Certification of Productivity Specialists in Pakistan.

The basic purpose of the program is to narrow the demand supply gap in the context of the requirement of productivity specialists. While it will help in producing productivity specialists in the country, it will also help in raising NPO’s visibility and authority on the subject of productivity. This will also strengthen national productivity, quality, and competitiveness for sustainable socioeconomic development.

APO has identified the certification program as one activity that could raise the APO’s and NPO’s visibility and authority as a leading productivity organization in the respective countries. Recognizing the competency and credibility of national productivity organizations (NPOs) or their affiliates as APO-accredited certification bodies (CBs) will build APO brand awareness, cultivate and expand a community of experts, and strengthen APO leadership in the area of productivity. Each CB has to follow the APO General Requirements for Certification Bodies: Certification of Persons Scheme, which is aligned with ISO/IEC 17024.

The CB is accredited by the Asian Productivity Organization Accreditation Body (APO-AB) and is recognized by 21 APO member countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Republic of China, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkiye and Vietnam.


Keeping in view the need and potential, NPO Pakistan has picked up the Productivity Specialist Certification scheme to be the first scheme initiated with an objective to certify productivity practitioners/experts in Pakistan. This recognition will definitely add value in the profile of the expert and support them to provide their services by using their experience and expertise to help the industry of Pakistan. This certification will recognize and document the experience, knowledge, and education of the expert- and provides an objective, third-party assessment of your skills. This certification will also allow them to expand to national and international level in practicing their expertise.

Validation of the Certification

PCBP Certification for the Productivity Specialist is valid for 3 years.

Application Deadline: January 06, 2025

Please feel free to contact for any query/information at pcbp@npo.gov.pk