National Productivity Organization, (NPO), Ministry of Industries and Production, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad is going to “Celebrate Productivity weeks from 25th May 2022 till 20th June 2022” coupled with various activities such as awareness sessions, productivity poster and debate competitions, productivity walk etc. these activities are planned in all major cities of the country (Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta) by mobilizing associations, chambers, and academia. Celebrating productivity day or week will help the stakeholders to focus on productivity and take respective initiatvies. These productivity related activities would contribute in running a robust productivity movement which would effectively change the mindset of the masses to more receptive and innovative mindset. These mass awareness campaigns involving general people and targeted group will help in sharing of productivity best practices, identifying and analyzing productivity gaps with confidence on initiating effective countermeasures that would ultimately lead to competitiveness.
Foregoing above, a productivity walk organize in collaboration with Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (ICT-PEIRA), Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Government of Pakistan Islamabad by NPO. The Chief Guest, Mr. Muhammad Shakeel Munir, President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industries will inaugurate the celebration of productivity day in Islamabad followed by a productivity walk and an awareness talk at Headstart School (Gulmohar Campus) H-11/4, Islamabad on 1st June 2022.