The NPO PAKISTAN PRODUCTIVITY PORTAL is a digital platform to showcase various productivity initiatives in Pakistan. The portal is in line with the latest productivity initiatives taken at National level.

Latest Productivity News

  • APO P- Talk with Dr. Ali Sajid, Director, Lahore School of Management, Pakistan to highlights the importance of productivity for Recovery and Regrowth after deep economic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic… More »
  • Federal Secretary Ministry of Industries & Production (Moi&P), Mr. Jawwad Rafique Malik Conferred APO Regional Award 2021 to Dr. Kamran Moosa…. More »

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Improving competitiveness through Sustainable National Productivity (SNP),

Developing Master Plan for Productivity improvement in Pakistan with the assistance of Korean Development Institute (KDI) experts of Asian Productivity Organization (APO).

Reforming Policy Incentive Structure for the Industrial Sector, under Three-Year Rolling Growth Strategy (3YRGS) reforms agenda of planning commission of Pakistan.

The portal enables the productivity ecosystem including professional, students, entrepreneurs, SMEs to benefit from this digital database. The portal will drive meaningful change to millions of people across Pakistan by giving every Pakistani an opportunity to make a difference in the society.